Friday, January 28, 2005

Friday Five

The Friday Five has been blatantly stolen from Kevin because I am a thief.

Friday Five's Favorite Quotes of the Day (not to be confused with all-time favorite quotes):

1. "I'm brilliant but I have to do dumb and self-destructive things to relax." Again, ganked from here but such a true statement.

2. "Go sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here." An ongoing motto of my life.

3. "I'm just sayin'!" I love and use this quote from Kelly, who always says it in such a way that drives a point home and makes me crack up.

4. "I don't know why people videotape sex because after I have sex, the only thing I can think of is that I'm glad that nobody saw that." As heard here.

5. And my favorite of the day: "If you can't say anything nice, come sit by me." So very true.

EDIT: This one just came my way via Kevin (bad day?) and really deserves a place on the morning list: "Ever feel like beating someone's head into a wall just to prove it serves a higher purpose when not wedged up one's ass?" I love it!