Thursday, January 20, 2005

Get back to work!!

Between my work (very busy), starting classes (already behind), stalking for parking (way too time consuming), keeping up with e-mails and voice-mails and meetings (oh my!), going out (had fun), catching up on a severe lack of sleep (had my first tsunami nightmare), and trying to keep my head above water this week, I have not had much time to blog.

I know, I know - everyone's busy. That's certainly true enough, but damn if I don't feel like a pinball being bounced all over the place! Once I get settled with the new schedule and the newness wears off this round of classes, I'm sure I'll be writing more regularly. Not just to appease my demanding friend Chuck, who uses blogging as a break from studying for the bar exam, but because there are funny, and sometimes not so funny, things I would like to be writing about.

At any rate, here are some interesting things I've noticed lately:

* I have a huge amount of respect for blind people and their bravery in getting out there and navigating the world. They typically do it much better than I do, and I can see just fine.
* Fortune cookies rarely tell me what I want to hear. Even if I go through six of them.
* My new kickass Nancy Sinatra stiletto boots have been relegated back to the closet for now. Apparently, these boots were not made for walkin'.
* Men with dimples are attractive.
* I've said it before and I'll say it again - I have the best girlfriends in the world. Three of them were sweetly over protective of me this week (Kelly P., Kelly and Lawren), and another one completely jumped into my schedule and made fun birthday plans for me because I couldn't seem to figure out the what and the when (Thanks, AJ!).
* Reconnecting with an old girlfriend is a good thing, especially when she's starting 15 weeks of bed rest before having twins (Hi Melissa!).
* Speaking of my birthday, it is coming up on Super Bowl Sunday, so start your shopping now.
* According to this test, I act my age. HA!!!
* My bar application is due April 1st. I am still in shock that I haven't flunked out of school yet.
* Do NOT neglect to pay a parking ticket in Hamilton County, Indiana. You will get a summons to court, and you will have to call and be very sweet and apologetic in order to get the fine reduced to a level less than the national debt.
* Two of my classes smell like tuna.
* Satan is in one of my classes.
* There is nothing that a new tube of lipstick won't help.
* I really, really love cake.