The Friday Five Birthday Edition
The Friday Five
In honor of her birthday tomorrow, the TOP FIVE things I like about the fabulous Kelly P.:
1. She has lots of talent beyond singing and dancing and freakish Broadway trivia knowledge, including a tendency to fall down freqently or run into things with her car, which shouldn't be funny but always makes me laugh hysterically.
2. She doesn't mind that I have a bit of a crush on her husband and talk about it openly. I *heart* him. A lot.
3. She inspires me to be more diligent and more serious, less reckless and less chaotic. I inspire her to be less intense and less grown-up, more spontaneous and more crazy. We found a very fun middle ground in our friendship.
4. She shares gossip, bottles of wine, wedding presents, dressing rooms, outlines & notes, trips to the K&T Bed & Breakfast, grumpy pants and happy pants and various other items of clothing, junior high humor, road trips with special road trip CDs, triumphs and tragedies of being called on in class, Jimmy Buffett tickets, and martinis at MoTinis with me.
5. She is my fan and my confidant and my fun sidekick. She is a girlfriend of the best kind.
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