Thursday, November 17, 2005

Oh, and next Friday... is Hawaiian shirt day... so, you know, if you want to you can go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt and jeans.

Ever notice how the long, narrow hallways in many offices can lead to some uncomfortable hallway moments? Say you are at one end, and I'm at the other, and we're walking toward each other. Depending on an office layout, it can be a very long walk. You have nothing to look at but each other (or your shoes), and you are too far away to say anything until you close the gap. When you finally get close enough to pass, one person has to move over to one side. Generally, there is a bit of a "dance" involved in the passing process, along with a mumbled version of "hey, how's it goin'" as you pass by. Sometimes, the hallway stare-down is an incredibly awkward event. There are, after all, no social rules governing the proper procedure for passing one another in a very tight hallway space. So, here are my suggestions for how to handle these funny hallway moments:

1. As you approach the other person, keep stealing glances at them. When they make eye contact with you, look quickly away and giggle. Don't say anything when they pass.

2. Walk stiffly and straight down the middle of the hallway. DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT. Shoulder check the other person as you pass.

3. When you see a person at the other end of the hall that you have seen already five times that day, just sigh heavily and proclaim "let's just get this over with," and sprint toward them at top speed.

4. As the other person passes you, slap him/her on the ass and say, "Great job today!"

5. If it is a man coming towards you, keep your eyes trained straight on his crotch the whole way down the hallway. As he passes, tell him the receptionist said that he has a "large package up front."

6. Walk like an Egyptian all the way down the hall. Or do the Moonwalk backwards.