Saturday Soup
I am currently sitting in my office, avoiding the very thing I came here to do: work, work, and more work.
I have enough work to do right now that I probably could bill hours close to the national debt by the end of the year and not be remotely close to being caught up. I've been told that never again being "caught up" is what I have to look forward to for the rest of my legal career. At any rate, being in the office on Saturdays seems to make my week more manageable and make up for the lost hours I spent doing something other than work during the week. And really, I don't have much of a life right now so it isn't like I am missing out on a whole lot of fun somewhere else. If I weren't here, what else would I be doing? Wow. How pathetic is that?!
My Thanksgiving day was lovely and small, including my parents, sister, a friend of hers, my grandmother, and three dogs. My grandfather is in the hospital, and the rest of the family is either out of town or anti-social. And for the second year in a row, I didn't have to deal with the challenge of going to two family dinners or the inevitable snippy comments of my ex-mother-in-law. My mom is a fantastic cook, no one fought over the turkey legs, and nothing caught on fire. We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the National Dog Show and some football. I was grateful for a peaceful, drama-free day.
And speaking of the Macy's Parade, I saw the family of the two sisters that got hit by the falling lamppost light from the M&M balloon on the Today Show this morning. Nice family, and everyone appears to be doing just fine. Interestingly, they are not planning to sue Macy's or anyone else for their injuries. The father said it was clearly just an accident, and no one was severely injured. I thought their attitude was refreshing in light of our litigious society. Even though I'm primarily a plaintiff's attorney, it is encouraging to see that not everyone turns to lawsuits to right whatever wrongs they think have been done to them. For this family, it was enough that Macy's offered them prime box seats for next year's parade.
Yesterday morning, Milo got stung by a bee on his paw. Apparently, this bee has been living somewhere in the house since the fall because it was sluggish and crawling across the kitchen floor. And of course, Milo couldn't help but take advantage of batting around a bug that couldn't get away from him. This dog loves to eat bugs. Anyhow, the bee fought back, and the dog got stung. He played it up for all it was worth, limping around holding up his paw and looking at me as though he were in horrible pain. But alas, as soon as he heard another dog barking outside, he hopped off my lap and forgot all about the sting. He's favoring his paw a little today, but I'm pretty sure he's gonna survive. _____________________________________________________
I'm sure y'all heard about the breakup of Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. No big surprise there, but I was a bit disappointed nonetheless. I'll admit it - I watched "The Newlyweds" and their stupid holiday variety show last year. I kinda liked them together. I did, however, think it was interesting that for all the denials and statements to the contrary, they picked a freakin' holiday to make the big announcement that they've split. You'd think they could have denied it at least until after the weekend.
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