Updates before I go home to the absence of a working computer:
* My firm's techie said to bring in the laptop tomorrow, and he'll see what he can do with it. I'm really hoping he has some crazy computer tricks up his sleeve because I might cry if he doesn't.
* The virgin, not to be confused with the three-toed sloth referenced a few posts below, has told my girlfriend that his "emotions are all out of whack" and he doesn't want to put her through whatever it is he's going through, whatever all that means. I told her to run like hell.
* I actually did make puff pastry appetizers yesterday. I had some company in the afternoon. They were impressed, even though I rolled out the pastry a bit thin. I was distracted by the Colts kicking the shiznit out of those poor Texans.
* My ex-husband has apparently flown the coop and gone off to Mexico with no intention of coming back to reality, leaving most of his bigger possessions behind in our old condo. Although somewhat entertaining and also quite disturbing, I'd rather not get into the details of this story here. But I am wondering if it would be tacky and/or rude to try to get the oxblood leather chair and ottoman I was so fond of but gave up in the divorce. Probably so, huh. I really loved that chair, though.
* The virgin, not to be confused with the three-toed sloth referenced a few posts below, has told my girlfriend that his "emotions are all out of whack" and he doesn't want to put her through whatever it is he's going through, whatever all that means. I told her to run like hell.
* I actually did make puff pastry appetizers yesterday. I had some company in the afternoon. They were impressed, even though I rolled out the pastry a bit thin. I was distracted by the Colts kicking the shiznit out of those poor Texans.
* My ex-husband has apparently flown the coop and gone off to Mexico with no intention of coming back to reality, leaving most of his bigger possessions behind in our old condo. Although somewhat entertaining and also quite disturbing, I'd rather not get into the details of this story here. But I am wondering if it would be tacky and/or rude to try to get the oxblood leather chair and ottoman I was so fond of but gave up in the divorce. Probably so, huh. I really loved that chair, though.
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