Monday, April 16, 2007

Notes on the media...

I don't know about y'all, but I am really looking forward to Tiki Barber's debut on the Today Show. I think he will be an excellent addition to the mix, and not just because he's Tiki Barber. He's clearly smart, outspoken, ambitious, and I think he will do well in broadcast journalism for NBC. And this is all in addition to the fact that he is intelligent, charming, and beautiful - hopefully a winning combination for my favorite morning news.

Having said that, I am now watching MSNBC coverage of the Virginia Tech masacre, and I'm not impressed at all with Keith Olberman's coverage of the horrible tragedy. Speculation and criticism of the responding officers and administration this soon in the investigation is just not fair, but such easy game for these reporters gunning for ratings.

Retrospect is always the bullshit gold mine of the media.

The Dove Birds

This past weekend, a couple of doves busily built a nest on my patio. They made a huge mess with mulch, twigs and pine needles, but I let them be. I'm not a huge fan of birds, but I am not going to interrupt nature.

By yesterday evening, the doves had settled into nesting on top of one of the pillars just under the roof's awning. I saw them trade off sitting in the nest, and I assumed the female had laid her eggs already. I checked on them this morning before I left. All seemed well with my new houseguests. Despite my slight fear-factor for birds, I got a little excited about keeping watch (from afar, of course) on the couple and having baby dove chicks cooing on my patio this spring.

As soon as I got home tonight, I went to check on the doves. No nest, and even a bigger mess on my patio floor, including one small broken, splattered dove egg. I have no idea what happened.

So sad. I really wish they would come back and stay, but I suppose what happened is probably for the best. I guess that's life (nature, whatever), but I don't like it. :(

UPDATE: Shortly after I posted, I noticed one of the doves sitting in the yard, then on my patio railing. The dove is now perched back up on her post. I can't see a nest, though it's possible that the nest is sparse and beyond my line of vision. But the dove is back, hopefully sitting on a second egg.

Tuesday UPDATE: The doves are gone again, I think for good this time.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The difference between ambition and spawning salmon is that one of them ends in sure death.

Monday, April 09, 2007

See no evil, hear no evil

Every night on my way home from work, I pass under a major interstate overpass. Every night, I see the same two shopping carts parked under the overpass, filled to the brim, usually covered with blankets. Most nights, I see the same elderly gentleman sitting next to the carts, watching traffic.

When he isn't there, I wonder where he has gone. And what if someone takes his stuff?

When he is there, I always resist the urge to pull over, take up a seat next to him on the concrete, and ask him his story.

I wonder what he would have to say about all the people that pass him by every single day.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Until today, I thought the best thing about this year's Easter holiday was that Splenda finally came out with sugar-free Peeps (aside from the true meaning of Easter, of course). Y'all know I love me some Peeps. Not as good as the original lavender bunnies, of course, but they will suffice very well for this girl trying to not eat sugar.

Today, however, I was invited to spend Easter with Kelly and her family, who celebrate Cascarones on Easter. Three words: So. Much. Fun.

Best moments include:
* Searching the yard obsessively for 54 festively-dressed eggs filled with confetti with Kelly, her sisters, T, sweet Anna and her parents.
*Trying to point out my finds to Anna (at two, the only true egg-hunt-worthy-candidate), despite my desire to screech "I FOUND AN EGG!!" and keep it for mysef.
* Running around the yard busting eggs on other people's heads. Greatest stress-relief!
* Having confetti stuck in my hair... and loving it.
* T telling me that she loves to busts eggs on my head, for no other reason than to make me laugh like a loon.
* Cheesy potato casserole. And cupcakes.
* Holding Lily Marie, two weeks old.
* Tita's (Kelly's mom) commentary on the wine - "This bottle is a lot better than the first." - and then realizing it was the same wine.
* Being included in another family's holiday tradition.

Wishing everyone had so much fun this Easter!

A dog's life... and food...

I've been worrying about my dog food for Milo due to the ongoing recalls (check bottom of article for links to Menu Foods, etc. sites and new info). I'm not freaking out too much - Milo has been fine. But I feed him Eukanuba and some of their brands have been on the recall list, albeit none of their daily dry dog foods like the one I feed my dog.

Then, yesterday, Milo's favorite dog biscuits - Old Roy - were recalled as well. I talked to my sister, resident vet (tech) and clinic manager, and she suggested I find a holistic food with no wheat gluten, at least until the recall scare passes. I did some online research, particularly with regard to feeding a "natural" diet as opposed to commercial dog food, and I decided due to vitamin and supplement issues to go with holistic food.

Once again, Trader Joe's comes to the rescue. That store absolutely rocks. I found Bench & Field Holistic Natural Canine Formula, and I switched Milo over today. He seems to love the stuff, and I'm no longer worrying about further recalls. Eukanuba has been great for 5 years, but now it's just not good (safe) enough. I'm not sure I ever will feel comfortable feeding him over-processed, commercialized food.

I've never been one to worry too much about organic/holistic vs. non-organic/non-holistic, for either myself or Milo. But this pet food recall has me really thinking about what goes into our food products. Milo is my family, and this has touched me personally. So what goes into the products we buy for ourselves, for our families? Something to think about...

Sunday, April 01, 2007

April 1, 2007

My new baby? Maybe... ;)

Grand Cayman, finally

Most beautiful place I've ever been!

Indiana? Not even close!
Lots of seagull poo on the pier. Beautiful, but I'm just sayin'.
Median age: 72 And the drivers in Cayman need these signs!
Rum Point. Breathtaking...even when you whack your shin on coral while snorkeling.
My goal for retirement.
From the pier. Funky sea creatures below.

No frowning possible here!
So. Much. Fun.

I've been terrible about posting, but I finally up-loaded these pictures. Time of my life, December, 2007.

Someone had a party...

Hey! Are we gonna have a dog party?!

Stop yourself. Where's my margarita?!


Is it me, or is it cold as balls in here??
Mr. & Mrs. Hottie McHotterson

Gettin' your Mills on!

Someone busted into the pear brandy!
So much for the dog party!
Yeah, yeah... I'm just getting around to posting these pics as well, but too much fun to go without sharing. February, 2007 ~