It occurred to me that if a bad haircut is my biggest worry of the week (which, in the big scheme of things, most certainly is not), then I am a lucky girl. Sometimes it just takes a dear friend to tell you that he likes the hair, that I'm beautiful regardless, and that there are more important things going on in my world to give me some perspective.
And this morning, I got in an extra-long workout with the new iPod. I've been out of the workout routine for a couple of weeks, and it was good to get back to it. And I loved having the iPod rather than relying on my treadmill neighbor's choice of TV channels. I've gotten most of my music downloaded and organized in playlists, and thanks to some helpful comments from my previous post, I've figured out how to use it at work. Good deal.
So it's Sunday now, and I haven't worked yet this weekend. I've got some medical records here at home to review, but I've decided not to go into the office. And you know, I feel a little guilty about that, but I refuse to let it bother me too much. As most of my lawyer friends that also work weekends know, it's a struggle sometimes to balance what you think you should be doing and what you think you can accomplish during the week. When I go into the office on Saturday or Sunday, I get a tremendous amount of work done. I don't work well at home (too tempted to play with the dog, watch E!, talk on the phone, mess around in the internet, clean the bathtub, anything but work), and I get "caught up" on the weekend. This weekend I'm feeling a bit rebellious about the job, although I know I'll have to pull some serious hours the next couple of weeks. But that is one of the great things about practicing law - for the most part, you know your workload. You know what needs to be done, and you can generally anticipate how much time it is going to take to stay on top of things. So I'm going to put my self-imposed guilt aside and enjoy the rest of my Sunday. I've got plenty of things to do here, and work will undoubtedly be waiting for me tomorrow.
Besides, Milo was sick last night and being the perpetual baby that he is, I was up with him a lot. I gave him a beef bone yesterday, and it was apparently a bit much for his little digestive system. Poor little guy had the worst upset stomach, and I had to deal with the results of a beef bone gone bad. So maybe we'll take a nap today (although he's not waiting around for me, as he's currently crashed out on top of the sofa). Or maybe I'll watch Bridget Jones for the thousandth time. Or maybe I'll actually clean the bathtub.
At any rate, happy Sunday!