This afternoon the sun came out and the temperature rose above 40 degrees. I drove through the car wash, opened the sunroof, and rocked out to Duran Duran like it was the spring of 1988, minus the really big hair, the cassette player, and the complete lack of real life responsibilities.
In 1988, my crazy high school friends and I used to drive up and down the hometown "strip" on Friday nights, blasting Duran Duran, Bon Jovi, Prince, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Poison. Yeah, we were cool in our acid-wash jeans tucked into our slouch boots, our fringe jackets, and enough Aquanet hairspray to blow up the entire car on a stray spark from a zippo.
But I still love Duran Duran.
Anyhow, this afternoon I took some time off work to run around and gather up bar application materials, which was sort of like an Easter-egg hunt without all the fun. Or chocolate. But here's what I accomplished:
Fingerprints. I obtained my fingerprints at the government center north. I parked on the east side and hiked a mile through a maze of hallways and conference rooms, finally reaching a tiny, dark office on the 3rd floor, room 302 where I immediately felt like a felon. However, the fingerprint process was electronic (no ink) and very cool. I commented on how good my fingerprints were to the person rolling my fingers. She agreed that indeed, I have nice fingerprints. Cost of fingerprinting: $10
Driving record. Apparently there is one BMV location in Marion County to obtain an "official" copy of your driving record. I had some directions there, but we all know how directionally disabled I am. I finally found the office, stood in one line for 5 minutes behind someone who smelled bad, was then informed I had to stand in another line for 10 minutes behind a young couple who cussed back and forth at each other like a couple of sailors, got a number, sat and waited, and waited, and waited, got called to the almighty counter, and finally got my driving record. I have a seatbelt violation because I did not want to wrinkle a freshly-ironed shirt on my way to dinner one night in 2003, but other than that, my record is clean. And that's amazing considering I drive like a maniac. Cost of certified copy of driving record: $8
Passport photo. I went to Kinkos and got my photos. I look very frazzled and windblown (Duran Duran with the windows down, remember?), but I am not having them re-done for the Board of Law Examiners. I'm vain, but not that vain. Besides, I'm a law student. I'm supposed to look stressed out. Anyhow, I now have to affix my picture to a 3x5 card, print my name on the card, and have the card laminated. Kinkos does not carry 3x5 cards, and I find that odd. The checkout guy asked my if I was traveling. I told him that unfortunately, no - I was getting the photos for my bar application. He then proceeded to ask me a child support question. Go figure. Cost of passport photo identification: $13
Certified checks. I had to get two - one for the fingerprints and one for my bar application fee. I got them at my bank, which is conveniently located on the first floor of my office building. The bank teller has a very thick accent, and he's attractive. I always wait in "his" line when I have to do my banking with a real person. He gave me a deal on the certified checks - two for the regular $5 price of one. Maybe he thinks I'm attractive, too. Cost of certified checks for bar application and fingerprint fees: $265
Reference letters. I have two of three necessary letters attesting to my character and moral fitness to practice law. I contacted my 3rd attorney/former boss, who apologized for the delay in getting my letter to me. He said he was taking a poll of the of the office to see if everyone agreed that I should, in fact, be a lawyer. Heh. Very funny. Cost of reference letters: much sucking up and hard work.
Various other skeletons in the closet. I had to obtain information relating to my divorce and a couple of other things I would rather not have to admit to. Luckily, I did not have to drive to my hometown courthouse to do this. I did it over the phone while getting my car washed instead. Cost of skeletons in the closet: half the Christmas ornaments and a bit of guilt.
All in all, a very productive afternoon if I do say so myself.